Main commands:
- /is create - Starts the creation of your island.
- /is disband - Disband your island permanently. (YOU LOSE EVERYTHING!)
- /is home - Teleports you back to your island.
- /is biome - Change the biome of the island.
- /is panel - Shows you the main things in one panel.
- /is settings - Shows you all available island settings you can change.
- /is permissions - Shows you all permissions you can grant to others.
- /is upgrades - Shows you all available island upgrades.
- /is missions - Shows you all available island missions.
- /is fly - Toggle island fly. (For those who have the perk unlocked!)
- /is bank - Open the island's bank.
- /is invite [player] - Invites someone to your island.
- /is accept [name] - Accepts the inventation that you recieved.
- /is members - Open the members menu.
- /is kick [name] - To kick a certain player of your island.
- /is ban [player] - Ban a player from your island.
- /is pardon [player] - Unban a player from your island.
- /is expel [name] - Kick a visitor from your island.
- /is leave - To leave a certain island. (YOU LOSE EVERYTHING!)
- /is level - To calculate your current island level.
- /is rate - To rate another player's island.
- /is ratings - Show all island ratings.
- /is teamchat [message] - Toggle team chat mode.
- /is coop [name] - Add a player as a co-op to your island (Untill they log off or is removed).
- /is uncoop [player] - Remove a player from being a co-op in your island.
- /is coops - Open the coops menu.
- /is top - Shows you the top islands with the highest island level.
- /is setwarp [name] - Create a new island warp.
- /is delwarp [name] - Delete an island warp.
- /is warps - Open the warps menu.
- /island warp [player-name] [warp-name] - Warp to an island warp.
- /is close - Close the island to the public.
- /is border - Change the border color of islands.
- /is help - For all island commands and help.
Other commands:
- /ah - Opens the auctionhouse GUI.
- /ah sell [price] - Auctions the item(s) your holding.
- /shop - Opens the skyblock server shop.
- /sell hand - Sells the item(s) your holding.
- /sell handall - Sells all items in your inv based on the item you got in hand.
- /vote - Opens vote menu to recieve rewards and more.
- /voteall - Sends all vote links in chat at once.
- /votetop - Shows the leaderboard of monthly votes.
- /buy - Opens the store menu and shows all items we offer.
- /discord - Sends a link in chat to join our discord server.
- /rules - To read all our server rules that you need to follow.
- /menu - Opens custom GUI to navigate around the server with ease.
- /spawn - To teleport back to the skyblock server spawn.
- /rewards - Opens GUI where you can claim Daily, Weekly & Monthly rewards.
- /playtime - Opens GUI where you can claim rewards for the hours you play.
- /minion store - Opens a GUI where you can buy usefull minions.
- /qs create [price] - Creates a chestshop for the item your holding in hand. (While looking at a chest)
- /qs remove - Removes the chestshop your looking at.
- /trade [name] - To send a trade request. (Or SHIFT+RMB on player)
Survival commands:
LifeSteal commands:
Hub commands:
Discord commands:
Leveling Commands:
- /profile
- Shows your server profile. - /rank
- Shows your current rank on the server. - /leaderboard - Shows the server level leaderboard.
- /time
- Show how long you have been in voice chat. Voice chat also gives experience and credits. - /edit profile - Edit your profile, rank, and levelup card!
- /reputation
- Give a reputation point to someone.
Economy Commands:
- /daily - Get your daily credits.
- /streak
- Check your current streak. - /balance
- Check your current balance. - /buy - Buy a role with your credits.
- /allin - Gamble with all your credits at once.
- /blackjack - Play a round of blackjack with Maki.
- /slots - Play a round with the slot machine.
- /steal
- Steal money from someone
Fun Commands:
- /afk - Set an afk message. If a person pings you it will show that message.
- /youtube channel "name" - Get information about a youtube channel.
Information Commands:
- /user
- Get information about a user. Avatar, age, ID, ... - /server - Get information about your server. Icon, owner, members, ID, ...
- /role
- Get information about a role. Color, ID, ... - /channel
- Get information about a channel. Visibility, creation date, ... - /invite - Get information about a Discord invite.
- /invites
- Get info about all invites a user made.
Music Commands:
- /connect - Let BOT connect to a voice channel.
- /play "songs name" - Play or queue a song.
- /playing - Check what song is currently playing.
- /pause /resume - Pause/Resume the music.
- /skip - Skip the current song.
- /volume - Change the volume of the music.
- /shuffle - Shuffle the queued songs.
- /lyrics - View the lyrics for the current song.
- /stop - Let BOT clear the queue and disconnect.
- /effect - Apply an effects to your music, enhancing your listening experience with a personalized touch.
Miscellaneous Commands:
/commands - Gets you a list of all commands.
- /help - I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help!
- /ping - Pong!
- /vote - Vote for Maki BOT
- /reminder "text" - Let ArcanePixels BOT remind you of something. Make sure ArcanePixels can DM you. You can check your reminders by using the reminder list command and you can remove them using the reminder remove command.
- /suggest "you suggestion" - Submit a server suggestion.